Find the Path Out from Inner Struggle.

People come to individual therapy to work through problems. Many enter feeling weighed down from months or (more often) years of struggles they couldn’t overcome. It’s a burden to struggle with painful emotions. It’s disheartening to do everything you can to change things and find that each day the struggle is still there. Other people may mean well, but they don’t understand the problem or what to do to help. It can feel lonely. But you don’t have to face that struggle alone anymore. You just need to reach out to someone who has the experience to help.

What Happens if You Stay the Same?

Without the right guidance, people can spend years without a direction, stuck in inner conflict. Some people spend their entire lives that way. That’s because the path to unlocking a person’s potential is not always direct or intuitive. Putting one foot in front of the other each day feels almost impossible. The demands to go through the routine of a day bring on what-ifs… what-if I don’t go to work? What-if I don’t call my parents? What-if I just sit here?

How to move forward and outward

Individual therapy is a conversation with me. I will talk with you about the struggle, and then we will dig beneath it to help you to look inside to the heart of who you are. No matter how long you have struggled with problems, YOU aren’t a problem. You are a person with unique strengths, values and potential. Problems have only covered over that fact. The wisdom and strength to excel in your life are there, underneath. You just need someone to help you unlock them. I will be there with you, every step of the way. From talking through your struggles to helping you gain a deeper insight into yourself to applying that understanding into improving your life, we will be on this journey together. A life of deep personal meaning and growth is possible. Your inner strength and personal values have far more power to define your life than your struggles. Let me help you make this transformation. Call me today. The phone consultation is free, and I will talk with you about your situation and how I can help.