Becoming an Adult Is a Huge Step

You turn 18, and you are expected to step into the world of independent adults. Paying for a place and the basic needs of living is expensive, so now there is the pressure of finding a job. If you want to open up more opportunities for better jobs, you might be looking at college, but that is a lot of work and money, too. Plus, you must decide on the major that defines the types of careers you can pursue after that. In the middle of those choices, there is also the question of if you want to look for a relationship or start a family – huge, life-changing decisions. These can be major sources of stress on their own, but a lot of young adults enter adulthood with inner struggles already. Others find themselves slide into those struggles under the burden of the demands of adulthood. Anxiety, frustration and sadness add to and increase the struggle. Underneath the hardship is a deeper question – defining who you are and what your path is to a fulfilling, meaningful life.

Finding the Path Isn’t Easy

Some people spend their lives in internal conflict. They end up with a degree or in a career that feels like a dead end. Other people end up feeling like they are just “going through the motions” of a life that isn’t fulfilling. The earlier you find your path, the more time you have to walk it. Don’t put off your future and hope that you chance on the way forward.

Embrace the Journey

Therapy can help you learn how to cope better with stress and difficult emotions, but that is only part of the benefit. Therapy is also a way to explore and clarify what you want your life to look like and the steps that will take you in that direction. It’s a place to be heard, to heal, and to come ever closer to what brings joy and meaning to your life. Don’t leave your life on hold and hope it gets better. Focus on the “better” part now. The path forward is waiting. To take the next step, call me for a free phone consultation, where we can talk about your struggle in more depth and discuss how I can help.